Wednesday 25 January 2012

Festive Flowers

This morning we hosted the first drop in for the 2012 Pittenweem Arts Festival knitting project.  Led by Anne-Marijke Querido this project is now in its 4th year. 

Anne-Marijke came armed with samples and patterns.  

We made tea & cake.  

And LOTS of knitters turned up with needles and stash yarn ready to make flower brooches to sell at the August festival.

Anne-Marijke has left a few patterns at the shop if you'd like to give it a go... But you've probably got some patterns at home already... Perhaps they've been used as an embellishment in a hat or garment.

You can knit or crochet, make them elaborate or simple, monochrome or colourful, big or small... And it's a great way to try out new techniques and yarns too!

There will be another drop in soon, watch out for advance notice in our shop window, on this site and on Facebook.  

And remember you don't need to live in Pittenweem to contribute flowers... 

Please share this project with your friends and family... the project needs LOTS of flowers to make a spectacular display at the Arts Festival and to raise money for local charities.

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