Wednesday, 14 November 2012

gifts to buy and give...

Following on from our Gifts to Buy and Knit, we've put together a list of Gifts to Buy and Give...  Perfect for a fellow crafter.

We have a selection of lovely craft kits - everything you need in a little package - perfect for a beginner or indeed for those looking for something a little different.

We have our own range of kits for both crochet and knitting and for some embroidery we have a felt flower corsage too!

knit and felt a bag

everything you need to start learning to Crochet!

felt flower kit, stitching guide included.

And we have a range of East of India kits for Knitting, Crochet and Sewing... All materials and instructions are included in the box.

What about adding to their stash?

pretty shell buttons

lovely reels of ribbons
How about putting together your own kit?

Half a dozen balls of Jamieson's of Shetland Spindrift or our brand new Rowan Felted Tweed for those who love doing colourwork.  Some Baby Cashmerino and a pattern book for those having a baby in 2013, or what about 1 ball each of our 10 shades of Ianthe... for a crochet blanket!

Scrumptious Lace Shawl kit

Angora Merino

Crafters can't resist pretty accessories... ours are practical too!

pin cushion

knitting needle case

stitch markers by Fripperies & Bibelots

Or how about a book?

Don't forget we also have Woolly Brew vouchers... for those that can't decide!

REMEMBER our shopping evening TONIGHT Wednesday 14th November!    Come along and check out our patterns and samples, find some gift inspiration for your friends and families - maybe have a demonstration of our latest scarf yarns which are perfect for Christmas gifts! Or maybe you'd like to make a wish list for yourself.

We'll have lots of yarnie inspiration and beauty and food gifts too from Fiona at Nirvana Spa  and Penny from Pittenweem's very own Little Herb Farm. They'll be bringing their own selection of spa beauty and gourmet food gifts for you to try and buy!  Festivities start at 7.30pm and you can check out and join our event page on Facebook here.  Please feel free to drop in!

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