Thursday 17 January 2013

a new hat appeal....

At last nights knitting group Ginny made a request on behalf of her friend Janie Douglas.

Janie helps to raise money and sponsorship for the Banunule Orphanage School in Uganda.

In past years Ginny has knitted hats for the children and adults of the school, she asked if any of our knitting group would like to knit one too. Given the huge response to the premature baby hat plea last year we wanted to open it up to the wider Woolly Brew community, and let you all know about this mini appeal.

If you have some spare yarn and a wee bit of time, your hat would be very much appreciated by the children and adults. It would be a lovely contribution to the work that Janie and her colleagues do, to keep such a orphanage school open in Uganda.

The children range in age from 2 to 6 years and she asked for some adult hats too. The only restriction is no white please!

Janie is visiting the orphanage in early April. If you would like to knit a hat, please have them with us by mid March.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. New Year resolution - have more things on needles! Seems like a hat is in order! :-)
