Tuesday 2 May 2017

Opal My Sock Design in the shop!

My Sock Design, 100g of 4ply sock yarn - self patterning stripes!

Our newest Opal 4ply shades have arrived!

Our third this year, after Illusion and Fresh & Juicy (there are a few odd balls still in the shop!)

The usual blurb...

Get it while you can!

Perfect for socks and more... As usual 1 ball makes 1 pair of socks, or 2 pairs of short socks, or (probably) 2 short cowls.

You could make 2 hats, or at least 2 pairs of small hand warmers, or several small gift bags.

100g will also give you a decent length of scarf/shawl or a jumper for a baby.

Ideas for your odd bits can be found here on Pinterest.


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