Thursday 19 April 2012

Kate Davies patterns back in the shop

In addition to our range of Carol Feller patterns we've just received a lovely fat bundle of Kate Davies patterns and we're now fully stocked!

Including new copies of  Hats of Midlothian, Rams and Yowes blanket and Sheep Heid.

Perfect with our range of Jamieson's of Shetland Spindrift!

* photos courtesy of Kate Davies

REMEMBER If you're thinking of attending one of our new workshops please call soon to book your place! 

Finishing Techniques is on Sunday 29th April, Learn to Knit on Sunday 27th May and Learn to Crochet on Sunday 24th June. You can find out more about them on our workshop page or indeed call the shop or pop in. These workshops are an ideal opportunity to learn some new skills, work with an experienced tutor AND get some distraction free quality 'me' time

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